Marlon Krieger

  Images from  
Images from "Hearts on the Ground"
Location: Philadelphia
Nationality: Germany, United States of America
Biography:    I am a photographer specializing in education, Indigenous issues and women's rights. With over 10 years of experience I have photographed a range of issues around the United States and the globe for periodicals and non-profits. . I... MORE
Images from "Hearts on the Ground"
marlon krieger
Apr 11, 2017
In 1978 the Supreme Court, in Oliphant vs. Suquamish Indian Tribe, ruled that tribal courts do not have criminal jurisdiction over non-natives."¨"¨Unable to protect their people in Indian country, stripped of the ability for self-determination, reservations slipped further into a state of decrepitude."¨"¨Most American Indians I have spoken with refer to themselves as invisible, "We are an invisible people; forgotten by history, ignored by dominant culture and not protected by the law."

67% of perpetrators on Native American women are non-native. One in two will experience domestic violence and one in three will be raped. U.S. Government policies, judicial loopholes and prejudice stereotypes still in place today but born out of a historical approach of "annihilation or assimilation" are directly responsible for the epidemic in American Indian Communities today. These policies have led to the highest rates of depression, substance abuse, mental illness and sexual violence of any ethnic group in the country.

From my project "Hearts on the Ground"

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