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Txomin Txueka

Location: Getaria, Basque Country
Nationality: Basque
Biography: TXOMIN TXUEKA. Born in Getaria (Basque Country), Txomin is an independant freelance photographer focused on depicting the human condition, social disparities and the armed conflicts.                  ... MORE
Public Story
Copyright Txomin Txueka 2024
Updated Jan 2021
Topics Black and White, Documentary, Editorial, Essays, Food, Photography, Photojournalism, Portraiture
Thirst of Forms:

When opening the eyes at dawn, the Sun enters in them through the retinas: profiling what it was nothing in the obscurity of the hole, and with the contrast of lights and shadows grows the light -discovering the objects-, because the light has thirst of forms and quenchs itself in the forms, reverse of the quench of that Drácula that quenchs itself with blood in obscurity.

   The clarity always comes from the sky,
   it's a gift; it's not among things,
   but above them:
   it takes possession of them, and needs them,
   because it's at stake its task and its life.
According to the poem of Cláudio Rodríguez, the reader will notice afterwards, that the light can not behave in the same way in a place where there are objects and in another where they don't exist (those unlimited places in the sea, the desert, the frozen lands, that wanted to be skies). The objects give to light the contrast of the daily life; the lack of objects, on the contrary, a sort of eternal uniformity.

Something happens to the work made by the Sun as to the work made by the photographer (the word photography contains the word photo = light, as main component). Something happens to the work made by the Sun as also to the word, the word that weaves the verse (to illuminate the reverse or the other side, it's to say, in the shadow, the etymology and function of the word in the verse), because a true photography and a true verse have thirst of forms, in the forms, and in the scope of lights and shadows -they quench temselves-.

Formen Egarriz: 

Goizalbaren begiak zabaldu orduko eguzkia ninietatik sartzen zaie: ilunpetako sotoan deus ez zirenak islatzen eta argi-itzalen kontrastez eraikitzen hasten da argia -objetuak deskubritzen-, argiak formen egarria baitu eta formetan asetzen baita, ilunpetan odolez asetzen zen behinolako Drakula haren ifrentzu.

   Argitasuna beti dator zerutik,
   dohain bat da; ez dago gauzen artean,
   gauzen oso gainetik baino:
   gauzez jabetu egiten da, ordea, eta horren premia du,
   jokoan baititu zeregina eta bizia.

Claudio Rodriguezen poemaren haritik, irakurlea aise ohartuko da argiak ezin duela berdin jokatu objetuak dauden toki batean eta objeturik gabekoan (zeru izan nahi luketen espazio mugagabeetan: itsasoan, basamortuan, lur izoztuetan...). Objetuek ematen diote argiari egunerokotasunaren kontrastea; objektu-faltak, berriz, betierekotasunaren oro berdin halako bat.

Eguzkiak egiten duen lanaren halako zerbait gertatzen zaio argazkilariaren lanari ere (argazki hitzak argia du osagai nagusi). Eguzkiak egiten duen lanaren halako zerbait gertatzen zaio hitzari hitza bertsoa josten duenari ere (ifrentzuan edo beste aldean argi egitea da, itzalean alegia, bertso hitzaren etimologia eta zeregina), benetako argazki batek eta benetako bertso batek formen egarria baitute: formetan -argi-itzalen eremuan- asetzen dira.  
Text © ANJEL LERTXUNDI (original text in Basque)
Poems © ANDONI EGAÑA (original text in Basque)

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