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Rodrigo Hernandez

resíduos | residues
Location: Lisbon
Biography: born in Mexico City and currently living in Lisbon, I like to define myself as a professional observer who sees photography primordially as a means of translating the nature of my surroundings.  driven by curiosity, I haven’t stopped... MORE
Private Story
resíduos | residues
Copyright rodrigo h 2024
Updated Aug 2011
Topics black and white, cais do sodré, chiado, lisboa, lisbon, remnants, residues, rua, street

a first essay belonging to a larger – two year long – ongoing project, which intends to portray my vision of what, for now, I can only define as “uma outra lisboa” (an other lisbon). 

this particular set of images is the result of an exercise: an intent to slow down my glance, concentrating on the so-called mundane in order to be able to decipher fragments of the city and their evidences. mainly it implies an effort to humble my gaze in order to learn to think beyond the instant, which can easily become – such as the image that intends to capture it – ludicrous, void of meaning and thus painlessly replaceable.

it arises out of the belief that we require a shift of speed: slowing down will enable us to gather our thoughts, our perspectives. this I consider a quite effective measure against the pervasive anxiety of our times and the nonsensical bilderflut that it has brought on its wake.

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